Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Yes my blog has been neglected.

For one reason and one reason alone.


How does anybody get anything done?

It's horrible.

I am going to try and be more faithful to my blog.

She deserves my love and respect.

What have we been up to?


Had a fun 'Back to School' shoot with my roomie.


Labor Day BBQ with fam and the neighbors.

Corey totally mauled my youngest housemate...


Last but not least I met and fell in love with the cini-sopapillas from Taco Johns.

Holla. At. Me. Girl.



  1. Dang, those cini-sopapillas look good! And I understand how facebook can take up your time--that's why I don't really get on it anymore. My grades tend to fall during those times so I'll just have to wait unitl I graduate so I can devote my full attention!

  2. Ha you are so funny and I'm glad you finally updated :)

  3. Those cini-sopapillas do look good and I am hungry right now. We've got to come next summer and check out all this stuff.

  4. I like that you took a picture of the cini-sopapillas so we could all see how delicious they look. I was always a fan of the twisty cinnamon things at taco bell. Be expecting a text message soon from me very soon. I have not seen you in over 6 months!

  5. If your so busy on facebook wheres my friend request??? I guess I will have to send one to you! :)


shout out