Sunday, January 17, 2010


Lessons Learned. States Explored. Discoveries Made.


2009 was quite a year.

A year of self discovery to say the least.

A year of change.


I will say this.

2009 you were my year.

Packing up my belongings, making a change when I'm not happy with where I'm at;
A brave thing to do and not in the least bit stupid.


I learned to navigate and read a map.


I fell in love with snow. As did Bailey.


I learned to take risks.


I learned to fail and not be ashamed.


I learned how to successfully maneuver through a laundry mat without being accosted.


This year Corey bought me flowers for Mother's Day.
It was the first year I sat in church and ached for a child of my own.
A burning in my heart.
So I guess that means I've discovered I really want to be a mother.


I've learned how to prop my feet up on the table and reflect.


I've learned to appreciate Nature.
It's sad it took looking through a camera to discover it.


I've learned to appreciate a nice leisurely
swing (while wearing your jammies) in the summertime.


Packing up and heading to Arizona is not always easy.
But always worth it.


I learned not all the important things can be boxed up
and taken with you across the country.


I've discovered a deeper love for my husband.
A new found respect.


I have a new perspective on my career.
I think God has handed me an amazing clientele.
I've learned that he knew I would need each of them for different reasons.
They are my biggest fans and cheerleaders.
(Besides family of course)

I have learned that I regret not living in the moment,
enjoying where I'm at.
I tend to worry.
This year I will try not to.

I miss my family but feel I have a deeper appreciation for them.
Being away is hard, but I value the time I have with them.
I will not take them for granted in 2010.

So all that being said,


You were my year.
I learned much about myself,
yet if I never have another year like you again......

That will be just fine.

Welcome 2010, it's nice to meet you.


  1. I like this! Even I am proud of you. See you soon!

  2. Isn't it amazing the things that we learn about ourselves in such a short time? Way to go, and embrace change with such faith! Here's to 2010!

  3. How is Corey's job going? Call us, we miss you!

  4. I love reading you blog! Its always so insightful!

  5. You like the snow??? You're crazy! Well, I guess if you only have to live with it for a few months it might be ok...! Love you guys!

  6. You have done some pretty cool things in 2009! I enjoy reading your blog too and I am so glad you make a trip to Arizona every once in awhile. Happy 2010!!!


shout out