Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So I've been thinking.
I'm most likely going to freeze my tootsies off in Utah.

What a shame. They were such cute tootsies.


  1. Very cute!!! I never got to say good bye, so Good bye and good luck!

  2. Good luck on not freezing. Hope your move went well. Now that your are closer you will have to come visit us sometime. :)

  3. I've been meaning to talk to you about that...

    You might want to rethink those flats sister.

    And invest in these: http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2955825?Category=&Search=True&SearchType=keywordsearch&keyword=hunter+wellys+in+All+Categories&origin=searchresults

    I just got a pair of these bad boys and they are heaven sent. Head on down to Soel in the Riverwoods shopping center and pick yourself up a pair.They are $5 bucks cheaper than at Nordy's


shout out